Create a VM in Azure portal
Login to
(if this the first time you are logging in then it will ask to create a storage account.)
run the below commands to create a VM
az vm create --resource-group HUBRG01 --name WEB1 --image UbuntuLTS --location eastus --vnet-name HUBVNET01 --subnet HUBSUBNET01 --admin-username rootadmin --admin-password "Password" --nsg HUBNSG01 --public-ip-address "" --availability-set AVSET01az vm create --resource-group HUBRG01 --name WEB2 --image UbuntuLTS --location eastus --vnet-name HUBVNET01 --subnet HUBSUBNET01 --admin-username rootadmin --admin-password "Password" --nsg HUBNSG01 --public-ip-address "" --availability-set AVSET01
az vm create --resource-group HUBRG01 --name WEB3 --image UbuntuLTS --location eastus --vnet-name HUBVNET01 --subnet HUBSUBNET01 --admin-username rootadmin --admin-password "Password" --nsg HUBNSG01 --public-ip-address "" --availability-set AVSET01